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Santiago Fuentes III

Senior Applications Engineer

Chesterton, Indiana, USA

Santiago Fuentes

"Helping to engineer the future is the best thing about working at DwyerOmega."

I am a Senior Applications Engineer, and I joined the organization 6 years ago. My professional area of expertise is Electrical Computer Engineering and my day-to-day responsibilities center around supporting both our internal and external customers with their applications engineering requirements. The thing I like most about what I do at work is having the opportunity to see so many unique applications every day.

Before coming to DwyerOmega, I was a Teaching Assistant at Perdu University, Indiana which is world-renowned for its advancement of discoveries in science, technology, engineering and math. As part of this role, I was responsible for running student laboratories and grading student work for my Engineering professors.

Fun fact: I volunteer at Chesterton Bird Sanctuary.

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