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Thermomètre et Enregistreur de Données Numérique à 4 Entrées Avec Interface USB
Modèles en stock
- Entrées isolées avec protection de 350 Vcrète-à-crète entre deux entrées, peut importe lesquelles.
- Thermomètre très précis pour utilisation avec les thermocouples de types K, J, E, T, R, S N, L, U, B et C
- Interface USB avec logiciel fonctionnant sous Windows®
- Alarme programmable Haute-Basse pour les 4 entrées
- Affichage des valeurs MAX, MIN et MAX-MIN des 4 entrées
- Configuration indépendante de chaque entrée (type de thermocouple, valeurs des alarmes Haute-Basse)
- Fonctions Mémoire et Lecture (99 séries) avec capacité d'enregistrement automatique des données de 512 KB
Modèles en stock

L'aperçu du produit
- Additional Features 1 Max /Min /AVG /Time and data hold functions
- Data Interface USB
- Display Type LCD
- Display Type Note 4-channel and 4-digit LCD display with backlight
- Measurement Type Temperature
- Number of Measurements 4
- Operating Temperature, Max 50 °C
- Operating Temperature, Min 0 °C
- Samples,Max 16800
- Software Compatibility Compatable with Windows XP /7~10
- Storage Humidity, Max 0.8
- Storage Humidity, Min 0
- Storage Temperature, Max 50 °C
- Storage Temperature, Min 0 °C
- Storage Temperature Note 0°C to 50°C, relative humidity under 80%
- Temperature Accuracy ± 0.05% rdg + 3 °C
- Temperature Accuracy Note K/J/E/T/N type: ± (0.05% rdg + 0.7°C/1°F) R/S Type: ± (0.05% rdg + 3°C/5.4°F) Below -100°C(-148°F) K,J,T,E: +0.15% reading N: +0.45% reading
- Temperature Measurement, Max 1767 °C
- Temperature Measurement, Min 0 °C
- Temperature Measurement Note ITS-90
- Temperature Resolution ± 0.1 °C
- Temperature Resolution Note 0.1: K / J / T / E / N / R / S ≤ 1000°C 1: R / S and K / J / E / N ≥ 1000°C
- Temperature Sensor Type Thermocouple
Cet instrument est un thermomètre et un enregistreur de données numérique à 4 entrées fonctionnant avec toutes les sondes de température à thermocouple de type K, J, E, T, R, S N, L, U, B et CConditions environnementales
Altitude : Jusqu'à 2000 m (6562 pieds)
Humidité relative : 80% max
Température d'opération : 0 à 50°C (32 à 122°F)
Alimentation : 6 piles "AA" (incluses) ou adaptateur c.a. à 9Vc.c.
Durée de vie des piles : Approx. 55 heures (piles alcalines)
Mise hors tension automatique : 5, 15 ou 30 minutes (si aucune touche n'est pressée)
Indication de pile faible : L'indicateur de pile faible s'affiche lorsque la tension des piles chute sous la tension d'opération
Fréquence des mesures : Une fois toutes les 2 secondes
Poids : 405 g (14.3 oz) (piles incluses)
Dimensions : 185 L × 73 L × 53 mm H (7.3 × 2.9 × 2.1")
Température d'opération : 0 à 50°C (32 à 122°F)
Humidité : En dessous de 80% H.R.
Température d'entreposage : -10 à 60ºC (14 à 140ºF)
Humidité : En dessous de 70% H.R.
Coefficient de température : 0.01% de la lecture ±0.1°C par °C (0.2°F par °F) en dehors de la plage d'opération spécifiée de 18 à 28°C (64 à 82ºF)
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Afficher les notes et les avis
Rated 2 out of
YitzH from
Flawed, a little annoying, but usable
We bought this because it records B-type TCs. The power adapter does not provide power, so it's batteries only. Power it off, power it back on, the date is reset, and it is tedious to re-enter it. It can be programmed with the date automatically if connected via cable to a PC running the software, but that's a pain, especially for a portable unit. Otherwise, it does its job. It does remember what recording interval and type of TCs, just not the date and time. Data downloads fine - rename the ending .CSV and it opens in Excel.
Date published: 2015-11-30
Rated 2 out of
jawebste from
meter fine, software aweful
Meter has been adequate but the data-logging software has been useless. This meter has driver issues connecting to computers in the first place. I have only found it to work on 2 of the 5 computers that ti have installed it on. Not sure why. My IT department has not figured it out either. Software is not stable on computers that will connect. program crashes frequently especially every time you plug in or unplug a thermocouple wire. Have been trying to log temperature overnight and cannot get software to run long enough to do so.
Date published: 2017-08-22
Rated 5 out of
G Achord from
User Friendly
After doing lots of research and reading the specification manual, I decided that this model would be the best fit for what we need. Everything came exactly how I expected. It is very user friendly but takes a little bit of time to read the user manual and figure out what all the buttons do.
Date published: 2023-01-20
Rated 4 out of
n2143 from
Does the job
2nd one I have purchased, gets a lot of demand for use on thermal qualification. Does what is needed for an ad-hoc "I need to log temperature on this point" and its known downsides aren't really a problem. Data is spit out in a CSV compatible format, just ignore the filename extension (or copy/paste from notepad++).
Full disclosure on downsides:
-PC interface works, but it a bit dated and data download is slow (might take a minute rather than being instant)
-Chews through batteries on longer tests (eg. 24hr), power adapter is recommended
-Does not remember the date after power-off. I treat it as a stopwatch from power-on
-Not really useful to log once every 2 seconds due to refresh rates on multiple thermocouples not exceeding this. I usually just set it to once every 10 seconds anyways since parts I test change temperature sluggishly.
Date published: 2017-03-02
To confirm, will the display show the temperature measured by the thermocouples in real time? Or do I need to be connected to a PC as well?
Thank you for your inquiry. This is a real-time thermocouple thermometer regardless if it connected to a PC or not.
Date published: 2024-05-17
Does this come with a Power adapter and USB cable?
Thank you for your inquiry Guy1. Unfortunately, the power adaptor and USB cable do not come with the HH1385 unit. You need to buy them separately. Please check the Accessories tab on the HH1385 product's page for these accessories.
Date published: 2022-09-23
1. Regarding your Item# HH1385 thermometer: will the software record (to a file) the temperature readings in real time? 2: Can I address it with my own software?
Hi Rav4801,
The meter can record direct to PC, real time. We do not offer software driver to make it compatible with alternate software.
Best regards
Date published: 2022-11-08
I want to write my own software to communicate with this device (in python). Is there a driver or reference for the communication protocol?
Hi StormWarden,
Please forward this question to TEMP@OMEGA.COM.
Best regards,
Date published: 2023-09-28