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Rechauffeurs de conduit

6 produits
316 SS Inline Duct Heater up to 1000 °F and 0.75 kW Power

316 Stainless Steel duct heaters installed inline that go up to 1000°F and 0.75 kW of power. Made for drying, laminating, packaging and other similar applications.

316 SS Inline Duct Heater up to 800 °F and 1.2 kW Power-Liq

316 stainless steel duct heaters designed for low flow air, gas, water or aqueous solutions installed inline that go up to 800°F and 1.2 kW of power.

Nickel Chrome Flange Duct Heater up to 600 °F and 2 kW Power

High airflow nickel chrome cross frame element duct heaters installed via flange fitting that go up to 600°F and 2 kW of power. Used with blowers for recirculating air.

Incoloy Flange Duct Heater up to 1200 °F and 270 kW Power

High temperature incoloy tubular element duct heaters installed via flange that go up to 1200°F and 270 kW of power. For dehumidification, re-heating and heat treating.

Brass or Monel Inline Duct Heater up to 565 °F and 5 kW Power

Circular brass or Monel duct heaters installed inline that go up to 565°F and 5 kW of power. Various sizes available for use in dryers, ovens, and more.

Brass or SS Inline Duct Heater up to 440 °F and 50 kW Power

Brass or stainless steel square duct heaters installed inline that go up to 440°F and 50 kW of power. Side terminal and bottom terminal options available.

Rechauffeurs de conduit

Les chauffe-conduits sont essentiels pour chauffer l'air ou les gaz dans les applications industrielles, commerciales et de laboratoire. DwyerOmega propose une large gamme de modèles pour un contrôle précis de la température, idéal pour le séchage, le laminage, l'emballage, etc.
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