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Enregistreurs de données multi-canaux programmables avec entrées universelles

19 produits
8-Channel Programmable Portable Data Logger - Touch Screen

With 8 configurable inputs, the OCTPRO can measure current, voltage, temperature and pulse and display real time data directly on a 5" graphical color touch screen.

Module d'acquisition de données thermocouple USB à 8 chaines {WINXP}{VISTA}

The TC-08 is an 8 channel USB thermocouple data acquisition module. Accepts multiple TC types and has automatic cold junction temperature compensation.

Ethernet Remote I/O Modules with Built-In Web Server

The OME-ET/PET-7000 Series is a web based ethernet I/O module that accepts thermocouple, RTD, voltage/current inputs. Built-in web-server and supports Modbus TCP and UDP.

High Accuracy Direct-to-Sensor USB Data Acquisition System

Connects a PC to sensors and controls via analog and digital inputs and outputs via Windows® software. 16SE/8DI voltage input channels. Universal inputs.

8 or 16 Channel Universal Input Touch Screen Data Loggers

Programmable portable data logger with a 7 inch color touchscreen display for millivolt, volts, milliamp, thermocouple, RTD, thermistor, strain gauge, or frequency inputs.

4-Channel RTD Input DAQ Module with USB or Ethernet Interface

The PT-104A is a 4 channel RTD or voltage input data acquisition module with USB or Ethernet interface. High accuracy and powered by USB or Power over Ethernet (PoE).

Expandable Modular USB Data Acquisition System

Directly connects TC, RTD, Thermistor, Bridge, Process, Resistance, Accelerometer system. Expandable to over 1k channels. Analog & Digital outputs. USB Hardware interface

Système de saisie des données multicapteur{winxp}{vista}{USB}

The iNET-100 Series is a high accuracy DAQ system that accepts universal inputs. Connect up to 8 iNET-100's to PCI Card (iNET-200/230) for a high speed DAQ system.

Web Based Intelligent PAC Controllers with Modbus and PoE

The OME-WISE-7000 series functions as control units for use in remote logic control and monitoring in various industrial applications. Offers a web interface.

8-Channel Web-Enabled Temperature Measurement Module

The OM-WEB-TC is a temperature measurement device with a built-in webserver. It has 8 input channels that support thermocouples, RTD, thermistor, and semiconductor sensors.

Module USB d&#39acquisition de données d'entrée thermocouple/tension 8/16 canaux

The OM-DAQ-USB-2401 is a thermocouple or voltage input USB data acquisition module. Accepts 8 differential or 16 single ended inputs. 24-bit resolution and 1kS/s.

8-Channel Thermocouple/Voltage Input USB Data Acquisition Modules

The OM-USB-TC Series have either thermocouple or voltage input options. The OM-USB-5201 has datalogging capability. 24-bit resolution and software programmable TC types.

USB Data Acquisition Modules for Temperature and Voltage

Measures up to 16 analog thermocouple or voltage inputs. High speed up to 1kS/s sampling with 24-bit resolution. 8x digital I/O, two counters. Connects via USB.

32-Channel USB/IP Based Thermocouple Data Acquisition System

USB and Ethernet Interface. Rack mounted with 32 differential thermocouple inputs expandable to 64 with expansion module. Easy connect miniature connector jacks.

Module de saisie des données USB multifonction avec entrées-sorties analogiques et numériques

16 differential or 32 single ended analog inputs expandable to 32/64. TC or Voltage input. High resolution 24-bit and high sample rate 1kS/S.

16-Channel Voltage Input High Speed USB Data Acquisition Modules

The OM-USB-1608G series are 16 SE/8 DIFF input USB DAQ modules. High speed (up to 500kS/s) and high resolution (16-bit). 8x digital I/O, 2x counters, opt. analog output.

Modules d'Acquisition  de Données USB,  Entrées de Thermocouple et  de Processus

TC and Process Inputs. Low power design requires no external power or batteries. High resolution, high sample rate. Multi device support via USB hubs. Digital calibration

8-Channel Temperature/Voltage Input USB Data Acquisition Modules

The OM-USB-TC Series have temperature or voltage input options. Accepts thermocouple, RTD, thermistor, or semiconduction temp sensors. Software programmable input types.

8-Channel Thermocouple Input Ethernet Data Acquisition Module

The OM-NET-TC has eight isolated 24-bit differential thermocouple inputs with 4 S/s maximum sample rate. Integrated CJC sensors and open sensor detection. 8x Digital I/O.

Enregistreurs de données multi-canaux programmables avec entrées universelles

Les enregistreurs de données universels multifonctions sont des outils polyvalents pour l'industrie, le commerce et les laboratoires. Ils mesurent des entrées telles que la température, la tension, le courant et bien plus encore, offrant un enregistrement fiable des données et des fonctions programmables pour diverses applications.
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