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Convertisseurs de signaux à montage en tête

14 produits
Transmetteurs de température miniatures

The TX91-92 series transmitters are head mount with model specific input for TC & RTD ranges. Metal case, RFI shield 2-wire transmitter with 4-20mA output. Non-isolated

Transmetteur RTD Pt100 Pour Montage En Tête

The TX12 head mount transmitter is a 2 wire 4-20mA transmitter for RTD inputs. User trim allows error null and has pushbutton configuration. LED sensor fail indicator.

Emetteurs thermocouple en-tête

The TX13 head mount transmitter is a 2 wire 4-20mA transmitter for thermocouple inputs. Accepts Type K, J, N, E, T, R, S and mV inputs. Pushbutton range configuration.

Communication Tool for TXUN Series and DRST-FR

The TXUN-KIT is a loop link communication kit used to configure TXUN-ST, TXUN-FM, TXUN-HT, and DRST-FR models. Configured with OMSET PC software.

Transmetteurs de température miniatures ultra compacts et économiques

The TX93-94-95 series are low profile 19mm design head mountable transmitters with thermocouple, RTD, or voltage input and 4-20mA out. Some models come with TC or RTD probe.

Head Mount Temperature Transmitters with RFID Communications

The TX400 series is a head mount transmitter that accepts RTD and thermocouple inputs depending on model and provides 4-20mA output. RFID requires TX400-RFID Programmer.

2-Wire Programmable Transmitter with Universal Input

The TXUN-ST-FM Series is a 2-wire programmable head mount transmitter with RTD, TC, Ω, or mV Input. FM approved model available (TXUN-FM). Programmable via TXUN-KIT.

2-Wire Transmitter w/ Hart Protocol Enabled | 2 Analog Inputs

The TXUN-HT dual input accepts RTD, TC, O, and Bipolar mV Input with 2 wire 4-20mA output. Hart 5 or Hart 7 protocol. TXUN-KIT programmer required.

Indicateur de proc�d� � cristaux liquides, aliment� par boucle de courant

The TX86 is a universal input for RTD, TC, Ω, POT and mV with 4-20mA output. Field scalable via front panel programmable push buttons. LED display and SSR output.

Transmetteurs de température miniatures et économiques

The TX91A-92A series are low cost miniature transmitters with inputs for thermocouples and RTDs with 4-20mA output. Non-isolated head mount with upscale break protection.

Head Mount Thermocouple Transmitter w/ Process Output

The TX31 is a 2 wire head mount process transmitter that converts thermocouples to process signals. Model specific TC type, loop powered. DIP switch range setting.

Emetteurs thermocouple en-t�te

The TX206TH is a 2 wire 4-20mA transmitter with thermistor input. Supports many thermistor types, loop powered, PC configurable range (w/ programmer). Free software.

Transmetteurs miniatures à 2 fils, isolation en option

Thermocouple, RTD, and mV input models with 4-20mA output. DIP switch selectable type and range. Isolated and non-isolated models available. Loop powered

Convertisseurs de signaux à montage en tête

Les conditionneurs de signaux montés en tête convertissent et conditionnent les signaux électriques provenant de capteurs tels que les thermocouples, les RTD et les signaux mV pour une utilisation industrielle, commerciale et en laboratoire. DwyerOmega offre des options configurables et évolutives avec la commodité d'un bouton poussoir.
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