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Conditionneurs de signaux spécialisés

27 produits
Analog to Modbus Serial Interface Modules

D6000 Series interfaces have analog input, analog output, digital output, digital input, and communications modules. RS-485 MODBUS RTU Interface Protocol.

High Temperature Relative Humidity/Temperature Transmitter, with Remote Probe, Models HX15-W and HX15-D

The HX15 Series Signal Conditioner has a remote stainless steel probe included with wall or duct mount models. 2% RH, 0.5°C accuracy. Two probe options available.

Low Level Amplifier

The FLSC-AMP is a low speed amplifier to 15kHz operation. 100mA current sinking output. 11-26Vdc power supply range. Metal mount housing and screw terminal hookup.

USB Data Acquisition Interface Modules

D8000 Series can measure process inputs, thermocouples, and contact closures and generate current or voltage signals. USB interface communicates via MODBUS RTU.

Conditionneurs de signaux modulaires

OM5 Series modular conditioners allow multiple modules to connect to a backplane with process outputs. TC, DC I/V, RTD, Bipolar voltage input. Single DC power supply

OMEGABUS Series Four Channel Sensor to Computer Interface Modules

D5000 Series interfaces have four channel inputs (process, thermocouple input, or thermistor) and convert to RS-232 or RS-485 digital output. ASCII format.

Strain Amplifier/Conditioner for Bridge, Load Cell, Transducers

The DMD-460 Series bridge amplifiers/conditioners are AC or DC powered signal conditioning modules for strain gages, load cells and bridge-type sensors with V or mA output.

Standard Digital Modules for Signal Conditioning, Scaling, and Sensor Integration

D1000-D2000 Series transmitters have universal inputs for thermocouple, RTD, voltage, current, pulse/frequency and bridge inputs. Converts to RS-232C or RS485 Interface.

Conditionneurs de signaux modulaires jusqu'à 10kHz

The OM5 Series are modular conditioners that allow multiple modules to connect to a backplane with process outputs. TC, DC I/V, RTD, Frequency, Potentiometer, Strain gage

LVDT Signal Conditioner, Loop Powered for AC LVDT

The LDX-2 is a LVDT signal conditioner is input loop powered with wide input range of 30-530 mV/V and process output. IP65 sealed, high accuracy (0.02%)

Wheatstone Bridge In-Line Amplifier w/ Field Selectable I/O

The IN-UVI is a wheatstone bridge in line amplifier with field selectable mV/V inputs and process output. IP65 stainless steel enclosure. Low thermal drift.

Transmetteurs d&#39humidité relative<br>Modèles Pour Sonde Murale, Sonde Pour Conduit et Sonde Distante

HX92B Series conditioners/transmitters measure relative humidity with process output. Duct mount kit and remote probe models. Field replaceable sensor.

Temperature/Relative Humidity Transmitter w/ Display & Probe

HX93B Series conditioners/transmitters measure temperature and relative humidity with process output options. Models with display, duct mount or wall mount probes.

Temperature/RH Conditioner/Transmitter Probe w/ 4 Output Options

HX94B Series conditioners/transmitters measure temperature and relative humidity with 4 process outputs options. SS NEMA 4 (IP65) housing. Duct or wall mount probes.

Duct,Wall,Remote Mount Temp,Humidity,& Dewpoint Transmitters

The HX200 Series can be configured as either a dew point or relative humidity transmitter. Perfect for compressed air and dryer applications. Selectable 4-20mA or RS232 output.

Wall, Remote, or Duct Mt. Temp, RH, Dew Pt, or BP Transmitters

The HX80 Series are precision transmitters that measure temperature, humidity, dew point, barometric, or atmospheric pressure and are available in wall, duct, or remote mount sensors

Connecteur-Transmetteur™ pour thermocouples et sondes Pt100

The SPRTX-STCTX Series are connector transmitters for RTD's and thermocouples. The connector design converts directly to 4-20mA output. Provides open sensor indication.

USB In-Line Field Calibratable Signal Conditioner

The IN-USBH conditioner adds digital USB output to mV/V pressure or load transducers. Free PC software for use as virtual meter, chart recorder, and datalogger.

Temperature, Relative Humidity Signal Conditioner with LCD

The HX400 Series Conditioners have a remote probe to measure temperature and relative humidity and output single or dual channel 4-20mA outputs. Models with LCD, SSR output.

Conditionneurs de signaux spécialisés

Les conditionneurs spécialisés garantissent la précision des applications industrielles, commerciales et de laboratoire, en contrôlant la température, la déformation et les vibrations. DwyerOmega propose des connecteurs de température universels, des conditionneurs de signaux LVDT, et plus encore pour la précision et la sécurité.
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