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Débitmètres à section variable

38 produits
Large Capacity In-line Flowmeters - Capacities: 3 to 150 GPM of Water/3 to 150 GPM of Oil

The FL-8000A Series of general purpose flowmeters is designed to provide economical, accurate flow rate indication for oil and water and can be mounted in any position.

Variable Area Flow Meter For Liquids

Made of PTFE, PFA, and PCTFE, the Model FL-10 liquid flow meter is excellent for high-purity flow applications or with corrosive liquids. Available with or without a valve.

Stainless Steel Frame Flowmeters

Flow Meters for air and water applications. Accuracy: ± 3% of full scale Repeatability: ± 1% Wetted Parts:316 SS, borosilicate glass, EPR O-Rings Max. Temperature: 200°F

Direct Reading Analog Display Flow Meters

The FL-W7100 Series uses a basic variable-area flowmeter design: a float and tapered tube. As a result, these meters have longer, linear scales and good pointer stability.

Economical In-line Flowmeters

OMEGA's FL-6400A in-line flowmeters are designed for use with many caustic or corrosive fluids. These meters feature SS construction and can be mounted in any position.

Pneumatic In-line Flowmeters With Multi-pressure Flow Scales

OMEGA's multi-pressure pneumatic flowmeters feature ananodized aluminum body design and easy installation. For air/compressed gas applications at pressures up to 1000 psig.

Multi-tube and Gas Proportioning Variable Area Flow Meters

The FL1GP-8GP Series are used to blend two or three gases in homogeneous infinitely variable concentrations directly at the end use point.

Variable Area In-line Flow Meters For Air

The FLMG flow meters feature rugged construction and direct-reading flow rates of air. The units are calibrated at 100 psi pressure, idea for most compressed air applications.

In-line Variable Area Flow Meter With Limit Switches

OMEGA's in-line flowmeters offer high accuracy flow rate indication for oil, water or air and the ability to either control the flowrate or alarm on high or low flowrates.

All Plastic Rotameters

All plastic Variable Area Flow Meters for water or water like liquid flow measurement applications.

Economical In-line Flowmeters .1 to 30 GPM of Oil

The FL-7000A Series of General purpose flowmeters is designed to provide accurate flowrate indication for oil and water. These flowmeters can be mounted in any position.

Easy-View Flow Meters with Adjustable Flow Alarm

The FL9000-AC flowmeters are ideal for a wide range of flow monitoring applications. Additional features include an adjustable flow alarm externally mounted on the meter.

In-line Flowmeters for Ultra-pure Water

The FL-500UP is a specialized meter for monitoring the flow rate of ultra-pure water to tools, on deionized water returns, and UPW returns.

Heavy Duty Flowmeters With Stainless Steel Enclosures

The Omega FL900 series are heavy duty flowmeter with SS enclosures, unique float stop design allowing internals to be reomoved and replaced without disturbing the tube.

Multiple Tube Variable Area Flow Meters

OMEGA's FL2AA Series multi-tube flow meters are convenient for applications where up to four streams of liquids or gases are to be metered in individual channels.

In-line Flowmeters

The FL-500WW Series provides flowrate indication for 1 to 5% dilute aqueous chemical solutions used in the treatment of water and wastewater

In-line Flowmeters

The FL46300 Series of liquid in-line flow meters offer handmade quality, combined with excellent accuracy and repeatability are machined of high quality acrylic rod stock.

Débitmètres à section variable

Les débitmètres à section variable mesurent avec précision les débits de liquides et de gaz pour les applications industrielles, commerciales et de laboratoire. DwyerOmega propose des compteurs durables et fiables dans différentes tailles, matériaux et plages de pression pour répondre à divers besoins.
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