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Cartouches chauffantes

24 produits
Incoloy Cartridge Heater 0.75 in OD 2.25 to 48 in Long

Incoloy cartridge heater with 0.75" outer diameter and sheath lengths 2.25 to 48", max temperature 1400°F, designed for hot plates, sealing operations and more.

Stainless Steel Cartridge Heater 0.13-1.25 in OD 1-36 in Long

304 Stainless Steel cartridge heater with 0.125" to 1.25" outer diameter and sheath lengths 1 to 36", max temperature 1250°F, designed for packaging, hot plates and more.

304 Stainless Steel Cartridge Heater 0.25 in OD 1 to 10 in Long

304 Stainless steel cartridge heater with 0.25" outer diameter and sheath lengths 1 to 10", max temperature 1200°F, corrosion resistant, used for pressure vessels and more.

Incoloy Cartridge Heater 0.375 in OD 1.25 to 24 in Long

Incoloy cartridge heater with 0.375" outer diameter and sheath lengths 1.25 to 24", max temperature 1400°F, designed for hot plates, sealing operations and more.

Cartouches chauffantes

Les cartouches chauffantes fournissent une chaleur constante et uniforme pour les applications industrielles, commerciales et de laboratoire. Disponibles en différentes longueurs, diamètres, matériaux de gaine et fils de résistance pour un transfert thermique optimal. Explorez la vaste sélection de DwyerOmega.
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