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75 produits
Heavy Duty Immersion Heater for Process Water—2"NPT Fitting

Immersion heater with stainless steel sheath element, 2" NPT screw plug fitting and designed for process water. Explosion resistant options available.

Stainless Steel Tank Immersion Heater Over the Side Reservoir Water

Tank immersion heater with stainless steel sheath element, over the side mounted, integrated thermostat and designed for use in reservoir water or other applications.

Corrosion Resistant Over-the Side Immersion Heaters

Immersion heater with flouropolymer coated stainless steel elements and over the side mounting. Over temperature protection and multiple element lengths available.

Incoloy Flanged Immersion Heater 2.5 in Square Flange

Immersion heater with incoloy or steel sheath element, 2.5" square flange mounted, designed for water and air applications and up to 5 kW or power.

Incoloy Immersion Heater 2.5 in NPT Solution Water

Immersion heater with incoloy sheath element, 2.5" NPT screw plug fitting and designed for corrosive solution water applications. Explosion resistant options available.

Steel Immersion Heater 2.5 in NPT Medium Weight Oil Thermostat

Immersion heaters with steel sheath element, 2.5" NPT screw fitting and integrated thermostat for medium weight oil applications. Explosion proof option available.

Sonde de temp�rature et humidit� avec USB{USB}{WINXP}{VISTA}

Immersion heater with incoloy or stainless steel sheath elements, .5" or .75" NPT fitting and features nylon twist-lock grounded plug with receptacle.

Screw Plug Immersion Heaters Rin Series for Small Tanks

Immersion heater for small tanks with incoloy or stainless steel sheath element, .5" or .75" NPT fitting, up to 1 kW power and dual pipe threaded.

Stainless Steel or Titanium Immersion Heater Over the Side

Immersion heater with stainless steel or titanium sheath elements, over the side mounted, designed for corrosive liquids, power up to 9 kW and vapor tight enclosure.

Portable Tank Heater

Immersion heaters T-shaped with Copper sheath element, over the side mounted, up to 6 kW of power and built in pilot light.

PFA Coated SS Immersion Heater Side Mount

Immersion heater with flouropolymer coated stainless steel elements and over the side mounting. Overtemperature protection and multiple element lengths available.

Copper Immersion Heater 1 in NPT for Clean Water

Immersion heater with copper sheath element, 1" NPT screw plug fitting and designed for clean water applications. Explosion resistant options available.

Stainless Steel Tank Immersion Heater Over the Side Vertical Loop Element

Vertical loop immersion heater with stainless steel sheath element, over the side mounted, integrated thermostat and designed for heating water, citrus juices and more.

Heavy Duty Clean Water Immersion Heater with 2 1/2" NPT Fitting

Immersion heaters with copper sheath element, 2.5" NPT screw fitting and integrated thermostat for clean water applications. Explosion proof options available.

Stainless Steel Immersion Heater Over the Side Corrosive Solutions

Thin Immersion heater with stainless steel or titanium sheath elements, over the side mounted, designed for corrosive liquids, power up to 9 kW and vapor tight enclosure.

Brass or SS Cartridge Heater 2 in NPT

Cartridge heater with brass or stainless steel sheath, temperature up to 600F, drilled hole mounted and designed for molding presses, platens, rubber vulcanizers and more.

Heavy Duty Immersion Heater with Integral Thermostat— 2 1/2" NPT Fitting

Immersion heaters with stainless steel sheath element, 2.5" NPT screw fitting and integrated thermostat for process water applications. Explosion proof option available.

Corrosive Fluids Over-the Side Immersion Heaters

Immersion heater with incoloy sheath element, over the side mounted, L-shaped heating elements, primarily designed for corrosive applications and optional thermostat.

Borniers et adaptateurs pour connecteurs

Drum immersion heater with copper or stainless steel sheath elements, over the side mounted, integrated thermostat and designed for high viscosity liquids.

Stainless Steel Tank Immersion Heater Over the Side Sanitizing Sink

Tank immersion heater with stainless steel sheath element, over the side mounted, integrated thermostat and designed for use in sanitizing water and other similar solutions.


Les thermoplongeurs sont essentiels pour chauffer les fluides et contrôler les températures dans les environnements industriels, commerciaux et de laboratoire. DwyerOmega propose des thermoplongeurs autorégulants de haute qualité en acier inoxydable ou revêtus de PFA pour des solutions de chauffage fiables et propres.
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