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Interrupteur de niveau de liquide à montage vertical

6 produits
Low Cost NEMA-6 Liquid Level Switches

These level switches are sealed with potting compound. If the wires are properly terminated the switch will meet or exceed a NEMA-6 rating, making them suitable for submersion.

High Temperature NEMA-6 Liquid Level Switches All Stainless Steel Construction

These level switches are sealed with potting compound. If the wires are properly terminated the switch will meet or exceed a NEMA-6 rating, making them suitable for submersion.

Contacteur de Niveau à Point Unique, NEMA-6  -compatible avec une large gamme de produits chimiques

The LVN 60-70-Series level switch will meet or exceed a NEMA-6 rating, making them suitable for submersion with years of worry free operation in moisture-laden environments.

Low Cost, Single Station, Vertical Mounted Liquid Level Switch

The LV-10-Series level switches sealed SPST switch provides consistent accuracy and high repeatability with the effects of shock, vacuum or vibration minimized.

Single Station Vertical Level Switch

The LV500-Series are small displacement single station level switches. Very compact, the switches are ideal for restricted or limited space. The overall length is 2.1 inches.

316 Stainless Steel Liquid Level Switches

Constructed entirely of 316SS, The LV-40 Single Station Level Switch is specifically designed to withstand the effects of a wide range of chemicals.

Interrupteur de niveau de liquide à montage vertical

Les détecteurs de niveau de liquide à montage vertical détectent les niveaux de liquide dans les réservoirs à partir d'une position verticale, offrant un contrôle précis, des performances fiables et une installation facile pour une gestion efficace des liquides.
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