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Connecteurs thermocouple et RTD

19 produits
Connecteurs Miniatures pour Thermocouple

Miniature, flat 2-pin TC connectors designed to quickly connect sensors to extension cables or instrumentation. Available with and without write-on tag for easy labeling.

Connecteurs Miniatures Thermocouple, avec 2 Broches Plates et Serre-câble - 29 à 180 °C

Miniature, flat 2-pin TC Connectors with an integrated cable clamp design for built-in wire strain relief. Quickly connect sensors to extension cables or instrumentation.

Connecteurs Standards les plus populaires

Standard size, round 2-pin TC connectors are designed to quickly connect sensors to extension cables or instrumentation. Comes standard with write-on tag for easy labeling.

Connecteurs miniatures à 3 broches pour thermocouples, sondes RTD à résistance et à thermistance -29 à 180 °C (-20 à 356 °F)

Miniature, flat 3-pin thermocouple, RTD, and 3-wire thermistor connectors designed to quickly connect sensors to extension cables or instrumentation.

Connecteurs standards à 3 broches pour thermocouples, sondes RTD à résistance et à thermistance

Standard size, round 3-pin thermocouple, RTD, and 3-wire thermistor connectors designed to quickly connect sensors to extension cables or instrumentation.

Accessories for Ceramic and Three-Pin Temperature Connectors

Accessories for ceramic and 3-prong TC & RTD connectors. Includes cable clamps for strain relief, panel mounting brackets, safety clips, and tube clamps for mounting probes.

Connecteurs miniatures à continuité de masse, jusqu'à 260°C

The high temp version of our miniature integrated ground strap TC connector for connecting ground, drain, or shield wires. Helps to protect against electrical noise errors.

Accessories for Standard Size Thermocouple Connectors

Accessories for standard size connectors. Includes wire caddies, tube & cable clamps, panel mounts, rubber boots, strain relief tubing, safety clips, and assembly tools.

Connecteurs Miniatures de la Série &quotT&quot Pour RTD et Thermistances

Audio-style connectors with 3 or 4 pin connections, plug and socket styles, with standard or short strain reliefs.

Connecteurs miniatures à faible bruit

A miniature thermocouple connector with an integrated ground strap for connecting ground, drain, or shield wires. This helps to protect against electrical noise errors.

Connecteurs pour deux circuits à 4 broches

One connector that performs the function of two. The DTC connects two pairs of TC wires or one dual element TC to two extension wires.

USB to PC Universal Thermocouple Connector

USB connector with built-in CJC that enables Thermocouple measurements to be brought directly to a Computer for display and logging. Software included.

EMI Protection Hardware with Nickel-Zinc Ferrite Cores. Includes Adapters and Cable Clamps for Standard and Miniature Connectors

Cable Clamp Connector Protection Hardware with ferrite cores for EMI/RFI electrical noise suppression. Fits standard size & miniature thermocouple & RTD connectors.

Connecteurs Standards pour Thermocouple, avec Broches Rondes et Serre-câble

Standard size, round 2-pin TC Connectors with an integrated cable clamp design for built-in wire strain relief. Quickly connect sensors to extension cable or instrumentation.

Connecteurs céramique standards pour usage intense à très haute température (650°C)

The Extreme temperature ceramic version of our standard size, round 2-pin TC Connectors. Designed to quickly connect sensors to extension cables or instrumentation.

Borniers et adaptateurs pour connecteurs

Adapters that provide quick and easy connections between various mismatched standard, miniature, and banana type thermocouple, RTD, and thermistor temperature connectors.

Connecteurs miniatures 260°C à noyau de ferrite-zinc, anti-parasite

HMPW are the high temperature version of our mini TC connectors. HFMPW are miniature TC connectors that have a molded-in Ferrite Core for EMI/RFI Suppression.

Accessories for Miniature Size Thermocouple Connectors

Accessories for miniature connectors. Includes wire caddies, tube & cable clamps, panel mounts, rubber boots, strain relief tubing, safety clips, and crimp-style bushings.

Connecteurs standards 260°C à noyau de ferrite-zinc, anti-parasite

HSTW are the high temperature version of our standard TC connectors. HFSTW are standard size TC connectors that have a molded-in Ferrite Core for EMI/RFI Suppression.

Connecteurs thermocouple et RTD

DwyerOmega propose des connecteurs de thermocouple et de RTD de haute qualité pour des installations fiables. Choisissez parmi les connecteurs pour circuits imprimés, les connecteurs M12 et les connecteurs multibroches de taille standard ou miniature, conçus pour durer, résister à l'humidité et offrir des performances supérieures. Faites confiance à la précision et à la longévité.
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