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Sondes thermocouples avec connecteurs

31 produits
Thermocouples à Déconnexion Rapide Avec Connecteurs Miniatures.

Configurable quick disconnect immersion thermocouple probes with integrated molded miniature connectors. Available in various thermocouple types, diameters and lengths.

Sondes Super OMEGACLAD®  - Sondes de déconnexion rapide avec connecteur de grandeur standard

Standard size quick disconnect thermocouple probes made with Omegaclad XL sheath material. These probes have superior long-term stability and low drift at high temperatures.

Sondes thermocouple chemisées à 2 points de mesure avec connecteur standard

Quick disconnect dual element thermocouple probes with standard size connectors. Two sensor readings allow redundant readings of a single point for control & monitoring.

Sondes hypodermiques, thermocouple et à résistance

Fine diameter hypodermic needle temperature probes for use in industrial, research and laboratory applications. Needle sizes range from .008" to .065" in diameter.

Thermocouple Probes with High Temp Miniature Connectors

Configurable quick disconnect thermocouple probes with a high temp miniature plastic connector available in various calibrations, diameters and lengths.

Sonde thermocouple deux points à raccord fileté NPT

Thermocouple or RTD probes with 2 sensing elements at the same point. Great for installing into pipes or limited space applications. 1/8" or 1/4" NPT mounting threads.

Sondes thermocouple chemisées Inconel 600 ou inox 304, avec connecteurs standards

Configurable quick disconnect immersion thermocouple probes with removable standard size connector. Available in various thermocouple types, diameters and lengths.

Thermocouple Probes with Removable Miniature Connectors

Configurable quick disconnect immersion thermocouple probes with removable miniature connectors. Available in various thermocouple types, diameters and lengths.

Sondes thermocouple à 2 éléments et connecteur miniature

Quick disconnect dual element thermocouple probes with miniature connectors. Two sensor readings allow redundant readings of a single point for control & monitoring.

Sondes thermocouple à branchement instantané et connecteur standard

Configurable quick disconnect immersion thermocouple probes with integrated molded standard size connectors. Available in various thermocouple types, diameters and lengths.

High Temp Low Drift Thermocouple Probes with Mini Connectors

Mini quick disconnect thermocouple probes made with Omegaclad XL sheath material. These probes have superior long-term stability and low drift at high temperatures.

Thermocouples haute température à déconnexion rapide

Configurable quick disconnect thermocouple probes with high temp mini ceramic connector that is rated for use to 650°C. Many sheath materials, sizes and options available.

Sondes thermocouple isolées en PFA

Configurable quick disconnect immersion thermocouple probes with PFA coated sheaths for measuring the temperature of caustic or corrosive chemical solutions.

Thermocouple Probes with Mounting Threads and M12 Connectors

Thermocouple probes with M12 connector plug and compensated TC pins. Various stainless steel mounting threads available. Connectors rated for use to 85°C.

Sondes miniatures à jonction moulée avec connecteur

Configurable immersion thermocouple probes with a retractable cable and miniature connector attached. Work great with handheld instruments and/or test equipment that moves.

Sondes à thermocouple à insertion réglable dans les doigts de gant

Flexible armor cable probes with depth of immersion adjustability by sliding the bayonet locking or 1/8NPT threaded fitting along the length.

Thermocouple Probes with Standard Size Ceramic Connectors

Configurable quick disconnect thermocouple probes with high temp ceramic connector that is rated for use to 650°C. Multiple sheath materials, sizes and options available.

Thermocouple Probes with Molded M12 Connector

Thermocouple probes with M12 connector plug molded directly to the probe. Connectors rated for use up to 90°C. Available with 1 or 2 TC elements.

Low Noise Thermocouple Probes with Miniature Connectors Model numbers GJMQSS,GKMQSS,GEMQSS,GTMQSS

Probes with a connector that provides a ground connection from the sheath through the miniature connector to your instrument to help reduce or eliminate electrical noise.

Sondes exotiques chemisées ultra haute température <br>gainées en tantale, molybdène, platine, Inconel, titane

Thermocouple probe assemblies made with exotic sheath materials for extreme temperature applications up to 2315°C. Available in type R, S, B, C, and D calibrations.

Sondes thermocouples avec connecteurs

Les sondes de thermocouple avec connecteurs offrent une installation rapide et des connexions sûres, idéales pour la surveillance industrielle, les systèmes CVC et les tests en laboratoire. Durables et fiables, elles permettent de mesurer la température avec précision.
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