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Sondes thermocouples avec connecteurs

31 produits
High Temp Thermocouples with Ceramic Tubes and Connectors

Type R, S or B platinum thermocouple probes with ceramic protection tubes and standard size ceramic or high-temp plastic connectors. For use in high temp applications.

Sondes thermocouple chemisées en Inconel 600 ou acier inox, à connecteur standard 260°C

Configurable quick disconnect thermocouple probes with integrated standard size high-temp connector (260°C max). Available in various calibrations, diameters and lengths.

Spring Loaded Thermocouple Probes with M12 Connectors

Thermocouple probes that are spring loaded for optimal thermal contact in thermowells. Include a spring and 1/2NPT threaded fitting. M12 connectors with compensated TC pins.

Sondes thermocouples à montage magnétique

Thermocouple sensors with magnetic housings and spring-loaded thermocouple band ideal for easily mounting to and measuring the surface temperature of ferrous metals.

Sondes thermocouple à poignée et connecteur standard anti-parasite

Probes with a connector that provides a ground connection from the sheath through the standard size connector to your instrument to help reduce or eliminate electrical noise.

Thermocouple Probes with High Temperature M12 Connector

Thermocouple probes with M12 connector plug molded to the probe and compensated TC pins. Connectors rated for use up to 260°C. Available with 1 or 2 TC elements.

Flow Through Thermocouple Sensor Assembly for 1/4 in Tubes

Thermocouple probe & compression fitting assembly intended for easy installation in a 6mm or 1/4" process line to measure temperature.

Thermocouple Probes with Hastelloy Tip for Plastic Extruders

Probes with Hastelloy Tips for use at the high pressures and temperatures found in plastic extruders. Available in single and dual element options with 1/2"-20 NF Threads.

Low Noise Thermocouple Probes with High Temperature Miniature Connectors, Model numbers HGJMQSS, HGKMQSS, HGEMQSS, HGTMQSS

Probes with a high-temp mini connector that provide a ground connection from the sheath through the connector to your instrument to help reduce or eliminate electrical noise.

Sondes thermocouple à poignée et connecteur standard anti-parasite

Probes with a high-temp connector that provide a ground connection from the sheath through the connector to your instrument to help reduce or eliminate electrical noise.

Terminal Block Probes, Color Coded, J K, E, T Thermocouple

Thermocouple immersion probes that have an exposed, round terminal block attached to the end of the probe with screw connections for attaching external lead wires.

Sondes thermocouples avec connecteurs

Les sondes de thermocouple avec connecteurs offrent une installation rapide et des connexions sûres, idéales pour la surveillance industrielle, les systèmes CVC et les tests en laboratoire. Durables et fiables, elles permettent de mesurer la température avec précision.
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