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Sondes thermocouples avec poignées

12 produits
High Temp Low Drift Handheld Thermocouple Probes

Utility handle thermocouple probes made with Omegaclad XL sheath material. These probes have superior long-term stability and low drift at high temperatures.

Integral Handle Probes with Custom Measurement Tips, HPS-NP-(*), HPS-RT-(*), HPS-FSP-(*), HPS-AP-(*)

Integral handle thermocouple probes with options including penetration, reduced diameter, air & flexible surface tip geometries. Includes retractable cable & stripped leads.

Sonde thermocouple à poignée en aluminium

Handheld probe with heavy duty aluminum handle, retractable cable and miniature connector. Available with a variety of probe sizes.

T-Handle Penetration Thermocouple Probe

T style probe construction with a pointed penetration tip provides the means for inserting this thermocouple probe into fruit, vegetable, grain and other similar materials.

Sondes Thermocouple à Isolant Minéral, diamètres 1,5 à 6mm,  Poignée Moulée et Câble Spiralé

Utility handle thermocouple probes with a fixed length or retractable cable, and miniature connector. Handle is molded directly to the probe sheath. Various sizes and calibrations available.

Sondes  spéciales à poignée monobloc ou à branchement instantané

Immersion, penetration, flexible surface and air probes supplied with miniature connector, mating connector, cable clamp and locking clip. For use with handles

Sondes thermocouple à insertion avec poignée en T

Rigid thermocouple probe and heavy duty handle allows for insertion into frozen food, soil, and other similar applications. Available in type K or E calibrations.

Sonde hypodermique à connexion rapide

Interchangeable utility handle thermocouple probes with options including hypodermic, penetration, reduced-tip, air probe, ceramic, and general purpose tips.

Sonde à pointe hypodermique

Handheld thermocouple probe with a low-profile hypodermic pointed tip that is least likely to disturb the surrounding area.

Accessoires pour indicateurs, protections et supports

Handheld type K thermocouple probes with unique tip for use in measuring the temperature of molten metals and conductive liquids. Rated for use to 1260°C.

Handheld Thermocouple Immersion Probes

Integral handle thermocouple probes for immersion applications with retractable cable and miniature connector for quickly connecting to instrumentation or handheld devices.

Quick Disconnect Handheld TC Probes with Removable Handle

Handheld thermocouple probes with a removable plastic handle and retractable cable. Include immersion, penetration, air, reduced tip or flexible surface tip options.

Sondes thermocouples avec poignées

Les sondes à thermocouple avec poignées offrent une mesure portable et précise de la température pour la surveillance industrielle, la transformation des aliments et les tests en laboratoire. Durables et faciles à utiliser.
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