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Compteurs et fréquencemètres

12 produits
Panel Meter, Freq, Rate, Total/Period Counter 6-Digit, DIN Mount

Omega’s new DPF20 Series of indicators offer real flexibility for measurement of a wide range of frequency or pulse inputs, 6-Digit, ⅛ DIN Panel Mount.

Compteur/totalisateur pour débitmètre

The DPF60 is a combination microprocessor-based digital rate indicator and integrating totalizer, 6 Digits Display, Relays Latch or Auto-Recycle, NEMA 4X.

DUAL PULSE TIMER/Totalizer, Wall Mount, NEMA 4

The DPT35 digital counter-timer is designed to be used with OMEGA™ (or similar) meters and flow sensors that produce a pulse signal, Wall-Mount NEMA 4X

Frequency Input Ratemeter/Totalizer

The DPF75 is a combination 6 digit totalizer/batch controller and 5 1 /2 digit ratemeter with two relays for 2-stage batch control or dual rate alarms.

Batch Controller

The DPF11 miniature batcher is ideal for all batching/grand total applications with 30 mV Magnetic Pickup Inputs - 10 kHz Max. , RS422/RS232, NEMA 4X

Battery powered Flow Indicator and Totalizer

Battery powered flow indicator and totalizer with 3 totalizers, large display, and averaging. It has a user selectable access code, auto-calibration, and no-flow indicator.

Single Sensor Controller

The FLCN-110 offers adjustable time delay relays, invert switch, and LED status enunciators all maximize the flexibility of this powerful controller.

Fréquencemètre/totalisateur DIN 1/8 6 Chiffres

1/8 DIN 6-Digit Rate Meter/Totalizer with 6-Digit 7-Segment LED, Measures Rate from 0.5 Hz to 30 kHz. TTL compatible, NAMUR, and Totalizes Up or Down from -99,999 to 999,999

Flow Batching Processor with Output Controls

Batching flow processor with output controls, flow rate, large digits, analog 4-20 mA active and passive loop configuration. Two programmable pulse scaled outputs, 220VAC.

Multifunction Flow Computers

The new Model FC-21 multifunction batcher and the Model FC-22 flow computer satisfy instrument requirements for a variety of flow meter applications.

Rate and Total Flow Meter Indicator, Rugged NEMA 4X

The DPF140 Series of flow meters are micro controller based indicators with transmission and pulse outputs, with Rugged NEMA 4X, Non-Volatile Memory.

Flow/No Flow Single Sensor Controller With Strobe Alert

For operator alert to low flow conditions an amber lens distributes the high intensity strobe light in a pattern which calls immediate attention to alarm conditions.

Compteurs et fréquencemètres

Les compteurs et débitmètres de DwyerOmega offrent des performances précises et fiables pour les applications industrielles, commerciales et de laboratoire. Dotés d'écrans LCD, de relais programmables et de boîtiers NEMA 4X, ils excellent dans le contrôle des processus, l'automatisation et les environnements de test.
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