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NIST Traceable Calibration for Measurement and Control Products

We offer a broad selection of primary and secondary calibration standards for use in the product categories listed below. All calibrations are performed by highly-trained expert technicians.

Pressure Calibration Services

OMEGA maintains highly accurate primary dead weight standards which are NIST traceable. These standards are used directly or through secondary transfer standards for pressure calibrations from vacuum to 20,000 psi. OMEGA also offers a vast selection of pressure sensors, and it would be impossible to list all ranges of calibration here. Please check with your sales representative prior to ordering.

Calibrator Pressure transducer image

Pressure transducers such as OMEGA model PX01 are available from stock with NIST traceable calibration.

Calibrator Pressure transducer image

PX945 series transducer with snubber and DP41-S pressure indicator shown

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