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Débitmètres massiques

13 produits
Gas Mass Flow Meters for Clean Gases with Optional Integral Display

The FMA1700A/1800A provides measurement of direct gas mass flow rate without the need to compensate for variations in gas temperature or pressure (within stated limits).

Gas Mass Controllers With or Without Integral Display

The FMA5400A/5500A Series electronic gas mass flow controllers provide for controlling the flow of a wide variety of gases from 0-10 SCCM up to 100 SLM.

Mass Controllers With Or Without Integral Display

The FMA-A2100/2200/2300/2400 uses capillary-type thermal technology to directly measure mass flow of gases. No temperature, pressure, or square root corrections are required.

Programmable Mass Flow Meter and Totalizer

The FMA-4100/4300 Series flow rate can be displayed in 23 different volumetric flow or mass flow engineering units including a user specific selection with remote programming

Mass Flow Controllers and Meters for All Clean Gases

Using the basic FMA3100 thermal mass flow sensor, the FMA3200 mass flow controllers offer accurate control of gas flows in a compact package ideal for many OEM applications.

Contrôleurs de débit massique et volumétrique pour 14 gaz

The FMA-2600A Series mass and volumetric flow controllers use the principle of differential pressure within a laminar flow field to determine and control mass flow rate.

Low Pressure Drop Gas Mass Flow Meters

The FMA-LP1600A Series mass and volumetric flowmeters use the principle of differential pressure within a laminar flow field to determine the mass flow rate.

Stainless Steel Low Flow Flow Meters and Controllers

The FLR-1600A and FLV-4600A series flowmeters and controllers use two of the best studied physical properties of liquids to measure flow: Pressure and Viscosity.

Stainless Steel Mas Flow Meters and Controllers Optional Display

FMA2700/FMA2800 Series Electronic Mass Flowmeters and FMA3700/FMA3800 Mass Flow Controllers are perfect for gas flow application which require an all stainless steel design

Mass Flow Controller w/RS485 Standard and Alarm Functions

FMA6500 Series flow controllers allow one to program, record, and analyze flow rates of various gases with a computer via an RS485 interface (optional RS232 is available).

Low Pressure Drop Gas Mass Flow Controllers For Clean Gases

The FMA-LP2600A controller uses a proportional valve coupled to the flow body to control flow using the integral PID loop controller. 0 to 5V output (4 to 20 mA optional)

Multi Parameter Mass Flow Meter With Flow Totalizer

All features of the FMA6600 and FMA6700 Series flow meters can be accessed via the local keypad and LCD. The digital interface operates via RS485 (optional RS-232 available)

Débitmètres massiques

Découvrez la précision avec nos débitmètres massiques, qui offrent une installation facile, une maintenance minimale et des mesures précises. Dotée d'affichages intégrés, d'impulsions et de sorties 4-20 mA, la série FMG90B compacte est idéale pour les applications OEM.
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