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NTC 10kΩ Thermistor

Sondes de thermistance<br>avec connecteurs M12

Available with a variety of straight and tapered mounting threads and a standard (85°C max) M12 connector.

M12 Connector 10,000 Ω Thermistor 3-A Sanitary Probes

10,000Ω thermistor probes with M12 connector and ± 0.2°C accuracy. For use in Food & Beverage, Pharmaceuticals, wash down and other hygienic areas.

Protection Head 10,000 Ω Thermistor Probes 3-A Sanitary

10,000Ω thermistor probes with polypropylene protection head and ± 0.2°C accuracy. For use in Food & Beverage, Pharmaceuticals, wash down and other hygienic areas.

Sondes de thermistance avec connecteurs M12

Available with a variety of straight and tapered mounting threads, two diameters and various lengths and a high temperature (200°C) M12 connector.

Integral Cable 10,000 Ω Thermistor Sanitary Probes

Sanitary 10,000Ω at 25°C Thermistor probes with PFA coated integral cable with strain relief. For use in Food & Beverage, Pharmaceuticals and wash down areas.

Sondes à thermistance pour le laboratoire

Family of thermistor sensors including wire, immersion probe, air and surface sensing styles. Five resistances and two accuracies available.

Sondes à thermistance 2252&Omega; à connexion instantanée et option poignée à câble rétractable

Thermistor probes available in immersion, penetration and air probe styles. Quick disconnect design intended for use with handles with retractable cable.

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