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Mètres de point de rosée

15 produits
Temperature/Humidity/Dew Point Meter w/Optional Data Logger

The THDP-10 Series is a Handheld Digital Temperature, Humidity, Dew Point Meter with Min/Max, Data Storage, and Data Hold Features. On Line Data Logging with DL Model

Digital Handheld Soil Moisture Meter

The HSM50 Precision Digital Soil Moisture Meter from OMEGA includes a heavy-duty probe to enable quick and accurate readings of moisture levels in soil or compost.

Indicateurs portables de température et humidité. Port USB et logiciel Windows en option{USB}{WINXP}{VISTA}

The RH820 Series handheld humidity and temperature meters are available with USB or wireless connectivity. Cable is included w/USB version, receiver w/ the wireless version

Handheld Digital Grain Moisture Meter

OMEGA's HGM68 is designed for fast and accurate measurement of moisture and temperature in allotment, acquisition, storage and machining of packed grains.

Pinless Moisture Meter

The pinless HHMM257 handheld moisture meter incorporates a moisture sensor that monitors the moisture in wood and other building materials without causing surface damage.

Thermomètres hygromètres de poche

Hygrometer & transducer uses Pt385/1000 Ohm RTD sensor to measure an environments ambient temp, humidity, & dew point temp. 60 sec response time allows for real time data.

Handheld Psychrometer with Enthalpy Measurement

Handheld psychrometer measures any ambient temp, relative humidity, dew point, wet bulb temps, and enthalpy of vaporization. Ideal for maintaining a facility's environment.

Temperature Tester with Stainless Steel Probe and Protective Cover, Rotary Head, Low Cost!

Temperature Tester with Stainless Steel Probe and Protective Cover Rotary Head Low Cost!

Thermo - hygrom�tre de poche

The RHB-1500-C is a portable dew point hygrometer that integrates the accuracy and reliability of the OMEGA's chilled mirror with the ruggedness required for field use.

Optical Chilled Mirror Dew Point Transmitter

The RHCM-40 Series dew point transmitter is an optical chilled mirror high performance hygrometer designed to continuously measure the moisture content in gases.

Indicateur Multifonctionnel De Donn�es Environnementales

The RHB-1500-C portable chilled mirror hygrometer offers drift-free NIST-traceable accuracy, low maintenance, high durability, and ease of use.

Thermo-Hygromètres de précision à réponse rapide

The RH81 is a digital thermo-hygrometer with min/max data storage, data hold features. Model RH82 also measures dewpoint. RH83 measures dewpoint and wet bulb temperature.

Thermo - hygromètre de poche

Handheld thermo-hygrometer are designed to measure ambient temp & relative humidity. With 60 sec response time, it's ideal for greenhouses, labs, weather monitoring, etc.

Indicateur Multifonctionnel De Données Environnementales

Environmental meter measures air velocity, air volume, sound, ambient temp & relative humidity. 2 sec response time and LCD screen makes for a quick/easy to read instrument.

Mètres de point de rosée

DwyerOmega propose des compteurs de point de rosée durables pour diverses applications, y compris des modèles portables et en laboratoire. Vous avez le choix entre des options alimentées par batterie ou par ligne, avec plusieurs modèles pour les systèmes à air comprimé. Trouvez dès aujourd'hui le compteur idéal pour vos besoins.
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