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Capteurs de déplacement

13 produits
LVIT Linear Position Sensors with Rod Ends

The LDI-119 series are low cost, contactless position sensors designed for automation and commercial applications such as motor sport vehicles, solar cells, and wind turbines.

LVDT Linear Position Sensors with DC and Current

The LD600A series is the new version of Omega's LD620 and LD630 series. Good for controlling robotics, linear servos, motion, and industrial automation.

Heavy Duty, LVIT Linear Position Sensors with Rod Ends

The LDI-127 series have a larger diameter heavy duty construction designed for automation, testing, and commercial applications.

Non-Contact Linear Displacement

The LD701 series are available in ranges down to 1-2 mm and are suitable for sensing metal targets in industrial, robotics and laboratory use.

LVDT Linear Position Sensors with DC Output

The LD620 series features a guided core with removable spring for easy installation. Good for controlling robotics, linear servos, motion, and industrial automation.

LVIT Linear Position Sensors

The LDI-619 series are contactless within a rugged, stainless steel housing in ranges up to 900mm. Field adjustable range scaling capabilities assist in optimizing resolution.

LVDT Linear Position Sensors with AC Output

The LD320 series features a guided core with removable spring for easy installation. Good for controlling robotics, linear servos, motion, and industrial automation.

LVDT Linear Position Sensors with Current Output

The LD630 series features a guided core with removable spring for easy installation. Good for controlling robotics, linear servos, motion, and industrial automation.

Compact, LVIT Linear Position Sensors

The LDI-G19 series are compact and contactless within a rugged, stainless steel housing with field adjustable range scaling capabilities to assist in optimizing resolution.

Precision DC Gaging Transducers for Quality Control or Automation Tooling

The LD500 have a precision tip and high repeatability, making them ideal for automatic gaging for quality, sorting, or go/no-go applications.

Miniature DC Displacement Transducers with Delrin Bearings

The LD400 series are high output, miniature sensors with precision, acetal bearings that are ideal for applications requiring low ranges and smooth, small actuators.

LVDT Linear Position Sensors with AC Output

The LD320A series is the new version of Omega's LD320 series. Good for controlling robotics, linear servos, motion, and industrial automation.

Analog Gaging Probes

The GP911 series provide excellent linearity and repeatability in a compact, reliable unit. All analog probe heads are NEMA 12 (IP65) rated for harsh industrial environments.

Capteurs de déplacement

Les capteurs de déplacement de DwyerOmega sont idéaux pour les applications industrielles, commerciales et de laboratoire. Découvrez les capteurs LVIT avec boîtier en acier inoxydable, les capteurs LVDT avec noyaux guidés et les modèles compacts pour une mesure précise de la position linéaire.
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