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Class A Rtd

Sondes à RTD (Pt100) pour usage général sans jonction de transition entre le câble et le chemisage

Omega's RTD probe with lead wire offers choice of 2-3- or 4-wire configuration. This is available in three temperature ranges covering -200°C to 600°C (-328 to 1112°F)

Sonde à RTD PT100 Avec Connecteur M12

RTD immersion probes that have various tapered & straight mounting thread and sheath size options. 4-wire RTD construction with a M12, A-coded 4-pin connector.

Sonde à RTD en platine (Pt100) à déconnexion rapide et à connecteur miniature

This connector-style probe has a 3-prong Omega "MTP" mini connector for easy connection to extension cables and handheld meters. Probe diameter is 1/8".

Adhesive Pad RTD Sensor

The SAP series RTD sensors come in curved and flat styles. An adhesive pad holds the sensor onto the surface to be measured. The RTD element used is Class A platimum 100 Ω.

-100 °C to 250 °C RTD Air Temperature Probes M12 Connector

PT100 RTD air temperature probe with M12 connector and NPT connections. Accuracy ranges from Class A to 1/10 DIN and 1/3 DIN per IEC60751. Withstand pressure up to 400 psi.

Sondes à RTD à Déconnexion Rapide avec Connecteurs Standards

The PR-13 RTD probe assembly has a 3-prong Omega "OTP" standard style connector for easy connection to extension cables, hand-held meters or other instrumentation.

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