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Load Cell Amplifiers and Signal Conditioners

DIN Rail Load Cell Input Signal Conditioner

The DRF-LC Series Conditioners are load cell input with 0-10V or 4-20mA output. For load cells with 1, 2, or 3 mV/V output. Full scale at 10, 20, or 30mV. Pre-tare jumpers

Strain Amplifier/Conditioner for Bridge, Load Cell, Transducers

The DMD-460 Series bridge amplifiers/conditioners are AC or DC powered signal conditioning modules for strain gages, load cells and bridge-type sensors with V or mA output.

DIN Rail Bridge Input Conditioners for Load Cell or Strain Gage

The DRC-4710 and 4720 are DIN Rail bridge input signal conditioners that accept bridge (strain gage, load cell, or voltage) inputs and have 0-10Vdc or 4-20mA outputs.

DIN Rail Conditioners Convert Bridge Inputs to mA or Voltage

The DMD4059 Series converts wheatstone strain bridge sensors, pressure transducers, or load cell signals into process current or voltage. Offered with AC or DC Power.

DIN Rail Strain Gage/Load Cell Transmitter w/ Bipolar mA/V Output

TXDIN1600S strain gage/load cell transmitter accepts 0.2 to 7.5 mV/V inputs with 5V excitation. Universal current, bipolar voltage output. Remote tare, front panel config.

DIN RAIL Signal Conditioner for Load Cells

The DRST-BG is a load cell & strain gage amplifier that converts mV to current or voltage. Front panel programmable LED display | Calibration of input span, external taring.

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